You can give a good massage without a license. Your loved ones are sure to enjoy a free massage from a more knowledgeable you. Learn from the below article to master the art of massage. Soon, you may be the most popular masseuse around!
Try using scented candles when giving massages. They can help provide light, a calm atmosphere, and help you use some aromatherapy in your session. The massage combined with the aroma therapy can make for a super relaxing time.
It is worthwhile to get to your massage appointment early. Make sure that your massage is a priority during your day. You won’t be able to properly relax if you are late. It is always best to be totally relaxed by the time you stretch out.
Do not eat too heavy of a meal if you are going to a massage within the hour. You can get uncomfortable if you eat too much. Be sure to eat something healthy and light to ensure that you can have the best experience possible.
Ask any questions you may have during your massage session. No questions are dumb, and the person providing the massage should have no problems answering any questions you may pose. You probably would like to feel comfortable with the massage therapist, which is why it is important to ask any questions you have.
If you have lots of shoulder tension, use the bear hug technique. Make an ‘X’ across your chest with your arms. Place your hands on your shoulders and give yourself a good rub. This is an easy way to relieve tension. It is also a way to get a fast massage anytime.
Rise slowly following your massage. You’ve been lying down, completely relaxed, for a long time. You are likely to feel lightheaded when you first stand up, so move with care at first to make sure you have your balance.
A neck massage can heal you in a variety of ways. The neck is where a lot of your knots will reside. Thankfully, the neck is an extremely easy area to massage; therefore, great benefits can be obtained from a neck massage. Use oil or lotion on both your hands, and massage both neck and shoulder muscles.
Don’t be intimidated about speaking up when you get a massage. When you have pain in a certain area, let them know. If you think more pressure is needed, talk about it; you won’t get the service you want otherwise.
If you didn’t know, you can do a massage right after you eat a good meal. To do this, place your palms on your stomach and move in a circle. This will help you digest even if you had a big meal.
Hopefully you have learned some new techniques that you can try out on your clients. It does not matter whether you are giving massages for pleasure or as a career, expanding your range of techniques will never be a waste of time. Whenever you receive a massage, don’t be afraid of sharing your new knowledge with your massage therapist. It’s possible that he or she will learn something new as well, which will improve your massage.