Many people get concerned about the topic of snoring when it affects them, and they think about how bothersome it is when they are trying to get some sleep. If you feel embarrassed about your own snoring, read through these suggestions to help control it.
Make sure your nose is clear and open to help prevent snoring. A nose that is clogged or constricted can be a cause of snoring. If you are battling a cold, use vapor rubs, a humidifier or a neti pot to unclog your nasal passages. Nasal strips are also a great option, especially if you’re chronically congested.
Keep yourself hydrated to avoid snoring. When you are suffering from dehydration your nasal secretions become thicker and clog up your nose which leads to snoring. Try to drink at least ten cups of juice, water or any other non caffeinated and non alcoholic drinks each day as this can reduce the effects of your snoring.
If you are suffering from allergies, you may be congested, which can cause you to snore at night. Your nasal passages and your airway will become congested if you have allergies. This congestion can easily lead to heavy snoring. In order to avoid snoring and sleep peacefully, try taking a mild decongestant before you go to bed.
Engage in high quality exercise to help reduce snoring. Exercise regulates your breathing patterns, which may prevent snoring. Exercise is crucial in keeping your respiratory system working properly, but it is also a good way to relieve stress. Higher stress means distorted breathing and a higher chance of snoring.
Cutting down on your smoking is a great way to minimize your snoring. If you are unable to stop smoking, cut down and do not smoke near bedtime. Smoking causes the tissues in your throat and sinus cavity to swell, reducing your airway capacity significantly. Narrow airways encourage snoring; if you can quit smoking, your throat will not swell as often and snoring should be less of a problem for you.
Consult your pharmacist to see if there are any recommended over-the-counter (OTC) snoring remedies you might try. Prescription medications also exist, but they are usually more expensive than over-the-counter treatments. These medications reduce swelling in the nasal passages, and treat other factors that affect your breathing, as well.
If you want to avoid snoring, start side-sleeping at night. If you sleep on your back, it ups the chances of you snoring. Stomach-sleeping is bad for both your neck and your back. So it is best to sleep on your side.
Losing weight should help you reduce your snoring. Extra body fat in the neck increases the pressure on your throat and windpipe. This pressure will increase throughout the night causing your airways to constrict. Your snoring may be improved if you lose even a couple of pounds.
You should now be prepared to address your snoring problem and start sleeping well. Keep up the efforts and apply the skills you have learned, in time you just might live a life that is free from snoring.