Try These Excellent Tips When Acid Reflux Is Bothering You

Do you battle with acid reflux on a daily basis? This condition is very painful and can keep you from enjoying your favorite foods. It can actually be very painful and irritating. The following article will give you some great tips for getting your acid reflux under control.

Instead of drinking with your food, drink between meals. It’s more likely that you are thirsty rather than hungry, and this will settle your hunger pangs. When you drink throughout the day, your stomach won’t get as upset when you do eat and acid won’t come back into the esophagus.

If you stay at a weight that is healthy you will be unlikely to suffer from GERD. Excess fat pushing on your stomach could cause the esophageal sphincter to relax. You will need your sphincter to become tight if you want to prevent the acid from coming up; losing weight will help.

Use an additional pillow to keep your head raised while you sleep. Wood blocks or books work well to elevated the top of the bed above the bottom. It is possible to find electronically adjustable beds also.

Stay away from spicy foods and do not use hot sauces or peppers when cooking. These types of foods worsen your acid reflux because they build up acid in the digestive tract. You can experience relief by avoiding this type of food.

When you notice reflux symptoms, think back to identify the foods you have eaten most recently. Trigger foods are common, and they might be the culprit. Once you have identified your trigger foods, you’re able to watch out for them.

When you are done eating, pop some cinnamon gum into your mouth. Chewing facilitates the production of saliva. The benefit of saliva is that the stomach’s acid can be neutralized. Also, people swallow much more often when they are chewing gum, and this will clear out any acid that is in the esophagus. If you don’t like cinnamon, you can use fruit-flavored gums. Mint gums can exacerbate the problem.

Sometimes, reflux symptoms can seem very similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. However, you should never ignore chest pain. You should not assume that the symptoms of a heart attack are in fact acid reflux. Call a medical assistance line in order to get help determining the source of your pain. You could have a serious issue on your hands and not even know it.

Eat often, but don’t eat much. Eating fewer, larger meals can contribute to your acid reflux symptoms. You can experience acid reflux when you overeat because the food can come back up in your esophagus. The stomach acid can then get into the esophagus and cause heartburn. Consider eating smaller meals more often, over the course of the day.

Since reading this article, you know what it takes to handle acid reflux. The time spent using these tips will be worth every second. Remember what you’ve read so that you can start in the proper direction. You don’t have to suffer from acid reflux anymore.