Top Invisalign FAQs Answered by Rejuv Dentist New York

Undoubtedly, Invisalign is increasingly becoming popular in the dental care sector in comparison to its closest rival, the conventional metal braces. Nonetheless, several questions need to be addressed about Invisalign, considering that it’s a relatively new dental therapy tool.

Invisalign trays are custom-designed to correct tooth misalignment disorders such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, and tooth overcrowding. Besides transforming the dental appearance, the clear aligners contribute significantly to improved self-esteem and smiles in dental patients. If you are considering enrolling for Invisalign treatment, here are common Invisalign FAQs comprehensively answered by Rejuv dentist.

1.How does Invisalign work?

As mentioned earlier, the clear tooth aligners are custom-made to fit in your gums snugly. A dental specialist takes a 3D impression of your teeth to design and fabricate aligners specifically for your teeth. The design includes mapping the exact movement of your teeth to the desired position. Additionally, Invisalign is a smart solution which controls the timing and the extent of teeth ensuring that only a particular set of your teeth moves at each stage of your treatment plan.

2.Why Invisalign and not metal braces?

Unlike the typical metal braces, Invisalign aligners are invisible, and it’s hard for people to tell whether or not you’ve worn them. Additionally, the aligners are custom made to fit your gums perfectly and are more comfortable than metal braces. The trays are FDA-approved, and manufacturers use safe, specialized thermoplastic to make the devices. Additionally, there have not been any reported health and safety issues concerning the material. The plastic aligners are safe, unlike metal braces which contain brackets and wires that are highly vulnerable to damage besides making your lips, cheeks, and gums susceptible to potential injuries.

3.How often should I wear clear aligners?

Invisalign New York City professionals advise their patients to wear Invisalign trays for at least 20 hours a day. The requirement leaves you about four hours to remove the aligners when eating and drinking, brushing your teeth, or participating in vigorous activities. You should wear each set of aligners for about two weeks after which you switch to new aligners as per the therapy plan.

4.How do I care for my aligners?

Invisalign trays are vulnerable to breakages and stains, and special care is necessary to maintain them and their effectiveness. Clean both teeth and aligners in the morning and evening to remove any bacteria that may have built up during the night or day. It’s highly advisable to clean your aligners with an Invisalign cleaner which you can obtain from your physician or purchase online. Besides, you can brush the trays with toothpaste and toothbrush.

Avoid smoking and taking food and carbonated drinks when wearing the aligners to prevent discoloration and staining. Always brush your teeth after taking a meal before inserting your aligners back in your gums. Although you are allowed to drink water with aligners on your teeth, hot water can warp the plastics. Store Invisalign trays in a case when not in use to prevent damage and dust.

5.What if I break my aligners?

The first thing you should do when your aligners break or crack is to let your doctor know. Avoid repairing cracked trays with super glue at all cost. The glues contain harmful products that are detrimental to your oral and general health. Your dentist will assess the damage and recommend the necessary action. He or she may advise you to wear the previous or the subsequent set of aligners depending on the timing associated with the damage. The specialist can also order a replacement set.

6.How much do clear aligners cost?

It’s a general perception that Invisalign treatment is more expensive than metal braces, but this may not hold in several cases. Typically, Invisalign cost as much as metal braces but the complexity of your teeth misalignment and number of aligners needed will determine the overall cost of your treatment. The cost of clear aligners ranges between $3500 and $8000. Fortunately, several dental insurance plans cater for Invisalign treatment by paying a certain percentage of the treatment’s cost. Talk to your doctor to discuss the payment plans they accept in their clinic.

7.Does wearing Invisalign trays hurt?

Several patients attest to discomfort when they start wearing a new set of aligners. Take this as a sign of the working of the trays and transformation of your teeth alignment. Nevertheless, the soreness should cease in a few days, failure to which you should consult your doctor for an assessment. Take over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as ibuprofen to relieve the discomfort during the early days.


Invisalign aligners are custom designed and made to fit in your mouth snugly for comfort and convenience. The aligners are safe and easy to use but require special care to prevent stains, discoloration, and damage.

The cost varies widely depending on the extent of your problem and the number of aligner sets needed to correct the condition. Never opt for DIY cracked or broken trays repair; always take them to your dentist for appropriate recommendations. All in all, be sure of improved smile and confidence with Invisalign treatment.